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Ramapo College Bioinformatics Group
GRSDB - The 'G'-Rich Sequences Database

GRSDB Statistics

This page was last updated on October 6, 2005.
Click here to compute the Latest Statistics. (This may take some time. Please be patient.)

Database Statistics:
Total number of genes in the database: 1310
Total number of alternatively processed genes in the database: 1188
Total number of RNA products in the database: 3231
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS in the database: 379223
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS near RNA Processing sites: 54252

Intron Analysis:
Total number of introns analyzed: 30584
Total number of QGRS in introns (including overlaps): 1957671
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS in introns: 335631

Exon Analysis:
Total number of exons analyzed: 33816
Total number of QGRS in exons (including overlaps): 250613
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS in exons: 38440

PolyA Region Analysis:
Total number of PolyA signals analyzed: 663
Total number of QGRS 120bp upstream of PolyA signal (including overlaps): 967
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS 120bp upstream of PolyA signal: 143
Total number of QGRS 150bp downstream of PolyA signal (including overlaps): 500
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS 150bp downstream of PolyA signal:101

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