GRSDB Statistics
This page was last updated on October 6, 2005.
here to compute the
Latest Statistics. (This may take some time. Please be patient.)
Database Statistics:
Total number of genes in the database:
| 1310
Total number of alternatively processed genes in the database:
| 1188
Total number of RNA products in the database:
| 3231
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS in the database:
| 379223
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS near RNA Processing sites:
| 54252
Intron Analysis:
Total number of introns analyzed:
| 30584
Total number of QGRS in introns (including overlaps):
| 1957671
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS in introns:
| 335631
Exon Analysis:
Total number of exons analyzed:
| 33816
Total number of QGRS in exons (including overlaps):
| 250613
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS in exons:
| 38440
PolyA Region Analysis:
Total number of PolyA signals analyzed: | 663
Total number of QGRS 120bp upstream of PolyA signal (including overlaps):
| 967
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS 120bp upstream of PolyA signal:
| 143
Total number of QGRS 150bp downstream of PolyA signal (including overlaps):
| 500
Total number of non-overlapping QGRS 150bp downstream of PolyA signal: | 101