Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Summer Research, Co-ops and Internships

Many Ramapo College Bioinformatics majors typically get invloved in the research projects of the faculty members. The students are also are highly encouraged to seek off-campus training opportunities in the form of research internships and co-ops in the academia and industry. These experiences are important for them to broaden their skills, apply the knowledge they have obtained in the classroom and gain invaluable hands-on experience.

The links below lead to well established undergraduate research internships and Co-ops outside Ramapo College. Most of them will pay a decent amount of scholarship and may even provide on-campus housing in some cases. The deadlines for applying to the summer research programs are usually in the November-March time period before the summer internship starts. The best time to apply is in the sophomore and junior year when you would have already taken some mid or higher level courses.

BioXFEL National Science Foundation (NSF) Summer Internship

Center for Science, Technology and Security Policy Internship

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory-Summer Undergraduate Research

Columbia University- Summer Research

Cornell Biology : Summer Research

Cornell University Center for Materials Research

Cornell University. Multiple Opportunities

Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy

Entrypoint: American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Harvard-MIT: Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics

Iowa State University Computational and Systems Biology Summer Institute

Jefferson College- Summer Research

Mathematical Biosciences Institute- NSF Undergraduate Research

Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship

Mayo Clinic Summer Research Fellowship

Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholars

Minority Science Writers Internship

NIH - Summer Internship Program (SIP)

Mount Sinai School of Medicine (Genetics and Genomics)
NIST Summer Research Fellowship

Novartis Pharmaceuticals-Internships

Pasteur Institute, France

Penn State Undergraduate Summer Internships

RiSE (Research in Science & Engineering) -Rutgers University

Rutgers: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences | Newark Campus

Science News Writing Internship

Scripps Summer Research Fellowship

Stanford University Summer Fellowship

The Summer Research Program in Genomics - Broad Institute of MIT

UCLA B.I.G. Genomics/Bioinformatics Summer Research

UCSD Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Summer Research

Univ of Maryland BC (UMBC)- Undergraduate Research

Upenn Undergraduate Research & Fellowships

University of Cincinnati

Co-op and Internships for Minority & Underrepresented Students

A comprehensive collection of links to Summer Research, Co-op and Internships in Bioinformatics


original web design: Ben Barrios